Video entries

There are 2 key methods for receiving video entries to Awards nominations:

  1. Youtube or Vimeo links
    • Nominators provide links to the videos hosted on Youtube or Vimeo
    • Video privacy is controlled by the nominator - they should ensure that the video can be viewed at least via the shared link.
    • Source files must first be uploaded to Vimeo or Youtube via the nominators accounts and the link copied before making the nomination
    • e.g.

  2. Vimeo integration with source video uploads
    • Note: A Vimeo Standard/Advanced/Enterprise account is required before this method can be used. The account level determines the amount of storage available for uploaded videos.

      ** It is important to ensure that the Vimeo account has enough storage for projected upload demand.

    • Nominators upload the video files directly with their nominations
    • All Videos are uploaded to the designated Vimeo account
    • Video privacy can be controlled by the Vimeo account holder

      In order for videos to be viewable by judges they must either be "Public" or "Hide from Vimeo"

      You might also need to set up your default upload settings:

    • e.g.

In both cases, video players are embedded for event managers and judges to be able to easily view the videos alongside the rest of the entry data.

  • Each category can support multiple videos per nomination if required
  • Example view of inline player: