GUIDE – Exhibitor Zone – How to create a task

1. Under the  EXHIBITOR menu tab, click on Exhibitor Tasks

2. Create tasks which Exhibitors must complete by given due dates. These could be task web forms, web pages or documents which can be downloaded and then uploaded after completion.

3. Click on the green button  + New Exhibitor Task

4. The order of the tasks can be changed just drag and drop.

TIP: You can leave a message for the exhibitors, the information will appear above the exhibitors tasks.

NOTE: Web forms can be located under the WESBITE menu tab, click on on Forms, click on the green button Web. Create the form first, then create the task, add the form to the task.

This is the exhibitors view of their task…

TIP: Track and monitor the exhibitors progress. Don’t forget, you can use the messaging system to remind the exhibitor to complete their tasks.