v2.0.9 - Date Based Discounts - 24 June 2019

Key Features

  • Date based discounts for product items
    • Now discounts can be created and applied to multiple products by selection
    • This makes date based discounts massively more flexible
    • 3 types of discount can be created:
      • Set price: The price of the item can be set as opposed to a discount e.g. make price £150.00
      • Set Discount as % - a percentage is applied e.g. 5% discount
      • Set discount as amount - £ (or event currency) e.g. £15.00 discount
  • Redirection after login by Role
    Now users can be redirected to any page after they login to an event site
    • Manage via: EVENT > Settings
    • Users with multiple roles will be directed to the highest priority directive
    • More detail here: redirection help article
  • Public API
    • Our initial endpoints include Events, Organisations and Schedules
    • Access the API config via: Events HQ > API
    • Create and manage access tokens
    • Browse and interactively test the endpoints

Additional Improvements

  • Schedules
    • Session attendees export - added time and date
    • Sessions can now be moved between agendas
  • Exhibitor tasks - completed tasks no longer show 'overdue' status
  • Add-on products - various improvements to add on interface
  • Links menu - links now available for all pages in both public and private spaces


  • [EVESSIO-2882] - [Admin Part] Awards: Categories: "One" category is not deleted
  • [EVESSIO-5213] - [Admin Part] Event: Data: System Reports: Not all product types are displayed
  • [EVESSIO-5499] - [Admin Part] Collaborators: Messages: Sections with the messages for nomination receiving and nomination processing are available for cloned event with the "Conference", "Exhibition" type when the content was cloned from the "Award" event 
  • [EVESSIO-5523] - [Event Site] Exhibitor Zone/Sponsor Zone: The error page appears when the user selects the section in the disabled organisation
  • [EVESSIO-5814] - [Admin Part] Website: Content: Collaborators: The "Judge Profile" content is available not only for the "Award" event type
  • [EVESSIO-6664] - [Admin Part] Events: User cannot clone topics when the original event has only ungrouped topics
  • [EVESSIO-6737] - [Admin Part] Event Schedule: Agendas: Date with sessions isn't displayed when the user changes this date
  • [EVESSIO-6832] - [Event Site, Customer Admin Part] Paperworks: Amount is displayed under currency
  • [EVESSIO-7194] - [Event Site] Profiles: The first value of the radio button list and dropdown list isn't displayed as selected
  • [EVESSIO-7236] - [Event Site] Step 4: User cannot complete the transaction when Event Admin deletes all fields in the "Personal/Invoice details" form which he can delete
  • [EVESSIO-7250] - [Admin Part] Event Schedule: Agendas: Edit Session: Message for the "Send Notification" option isn't displayed when the schedule isn't published
  • [EVESSIO-7259] - [Admin Part] Event Schedule: Agendas: Event Coordinator cannot delete the session and agenda
  • [EVESSIO-7280] - [Admin Part] Event: Data: Blank instead of dash is displayed in columns
  • [EVESSIO-7290] - [Admin Part] Exhibition: Exhibitors: Organisations disappear for one second when the user deletes one organisation
  • [EVESSIO-7306] - [Admin Part] Revenue: Products: The 'NaN' value is displayed in the 'Target' field when the user changes the value in the field to the 'e' character
  • [EVESSIO-7307] - [Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: List: User can delete a test-transaction when this transaction has another test-transaction with an add-on products
  • [EVESSIO-7308] - [Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: Modify Transaction: An error appears when the user tries to disable the item in the "CCRefunded" transaction
  • [EVESSIO-7310] - [Admin Part] Revenue: Products: Date Based Discount: Validation message is not displayed when the user enters more than 100 in the "Apply discount of" field
  • [EVESSIO-7316] - [Admin Part] Organisations: The "Sessions" tab is displayed for an organisation without roles
  • [EVESSIO-7321] - [Event Site] Awards: Shipping Instructions: Error page opens when the user without the "Collaborator" role tries to download the file
  • [EVESSIO-7322] - [Event Site] My Schedule: Inactive speaker can see the sessions where he is a speaker
  • [EVESSIO-7323] - [Admin Part] Event: Schedule is cloned when the user clones the event with pages with this content
  • [EVESSIO-7332] - [Admin Part] Awards: Categories: Edit Category: User can replace the shipping instructions to the "Shipping Address" section
  • [EVESSIO-7348] - [Admin Part] New Event: Step 3: Ungrouped categories aren't available for cloning if these categories were added to product list
  • [EVESSIO-7349] - [Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Nominations: Collaborators with the "Nomination Processing" and "Nomination Receiving" roles are displayed as Judge
  • [EVESSIO-7354] - [Event Site] Basket: Product description is displayed before the user selects the product in dropdown list