You are moving to Evessio and you have old links

It is likely that your previous websites had URLs in a different format from Evessio. We are going to be building a redirection tool in the coming months but until the feature is available here are some best practices which you should always do when creating new events on Evessio

1. Update Google search console

Search console:
TIP: If you need to authenticate your event website the easiest method is to add your Google Analytics or Tag Manager code via EVENT > Settings

Most organic traffic is likely to come from Google and updating the domain and its URLS is easy via Google. Evessio automatically generates sitemaps to facilitate an up-to-date view of published URLs for a site - you can find the sitemap for any event here e.g.:
>> Sitemaps are automatically re-built when new pages are linked to in menus or page content

Every domain also has a robots.txt file (read by search engines) automatically generated which will reference the sitemaps of all published sites on the domain e.g.

Sitemaps are visible via the SEO tab in the pages admin area:

2. Build a 'friendly' "page not found" page

  • Each event has this system page where you could build a list of useful links or downloads for the current event. Use a "General content" content type to create your list of links.
  • Users landing on this page can them make quick choices about where to go next