User Preferences

User Preferences

When a user creates an account on Evessio they provide the minimum info of: First name, Last Name, Email Address. This is great for speedy account creation but may lack core data required by your organisation.

For example if your policy is to follow up users by telephone you will not have a telephone number until the user completes a transaction containing a form with a telephone field in it. With the new preferences feature you will be able to contact users by phone who may have incomplete transactions or even just baskets.

This forms a more complete picture of a user which is useful for long term relationships.

What it is

  • Properties associated globally for a user across all events
  • Permanent record of things associated with a user not related to any particular events
  • Ideal fields are things which do not change often and which describe the user e.g.
    • Telephone
    • Photo
    • Company
    • Job title

What it is not

  • A place to collect information about event preferences
  • A GDPR shortcut - GDPR preferences should always be explicit opt-ins
  • A place to collect different information for different events


To collect information about event preferences (e.g. event marketing, event profile, dietary, etc.) use the product forms e.g. Event Attendance tickets or Table Booking

Do not collect event specific info via the preferences form

How it works

A preferences form is created in Events HQ

  • This form can be activated globally for all events or targeted for specific events
  • Users will be presented the form once after login or account creation
  • Once the form has been completed it can be accessed by users on any event under their profile
  • Users will only be presented the form once until it is changed or re-capture is defined for some or all events
  • Re-capture will force the form to be presented to existing users when they next login to any event
  • Users can view and edit their preferences at any time on any event via their ACCOUNT > Preferences
  • The preferences form is displayed on the "About You" system page which can have additional content as required

The capture process:

Preferences are always available to users for editing via their ACCOUNT:

Form creation


  • If you need to add or modify fields on the preferences form you will need to present this to users again to re-capture their data
  • You can select some or all events on which the preferences form is active

Event Status

  • The preferences form can be active or disabled in selected events

"About You" page

  • The preferences for is embedded in a new system page
  • This page can be edited with content as normal
  • The preferences for cannot be removed from this page