v2.1.0 - User Preferences Part 2 - 10 September 2020

New - User Preferences Part 2 - reporting

  • The data gathered in user preferences can now be exported via the event or Events HQ
  • Now you can easily extract a list of all users in the system across all events from Events HQ

Per event (all users in a single event)

All users across all events

New - Templates for dynamic pages

  • Previously, all dynamic node pages (speaker/exhibitor/judge/sponsor profiles, agenda session, etc.) shared the same template.
  • Now you can optionally create separate templates for each of the page types

New - Payment Provider: CM.com (formerly Docdata)

Other Improvements

New fields in custom reports

  • Transaction ID DB - integer
  • Customer ID DB - integer
  • Customer UUID - UUID (e.g. caa93439-e045-4f37-9332-a1058e314cb5)
  • Customer Full Name - "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"

New icons for system pages

  • The new Cog icon shows which pages are reserved for system functions
  • These pages cannot be deleted but can have customised content


  • [EVESSIO-8630] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Settings: Payments: Fix Stripe Publishable key length
  • [EVESSIO-8653] - [Admin] HTML editor link tool converts URL to lowercase
  • [EVESSIO-8013] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Forms: User data in email is not displayed when using email in uppercase
  • [EVESSIO-8117] - [Customer Admin Part]: EventsHQ: Settings: Forms: Form Part: Used in forms column sorting does not work correctly
  • [EVESSIO-8411] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: The group without events does not display in the  event groups list
  • [EVESSIO-8526] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event time in settings is less than user sets during event creation
  • [EVESSIO-8531] - [Event site]: Event: Tickets: The First and Last Name dropping their values after editing the email and becoming disabled
  • [EVESSIO-8542] - [Event Site]: Account: My preferences: There is not opportunity to upload or delete file
  • [EVESSIO-8548] - [Customer Admin Part]: Data: Custom reports: Incorrect Checkboxes behaviour 
  • [EVESSIO-8557] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event: People: Preferences: GUI of "Revisions" column is broken
  • [EVESSIO-8571] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Collaborators: People: Email sorting does not work correctly if there are Speakers without Email in the table
  • [EVESSIO-8590] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Templates: Non-copy content is copied when the user copies a page or template with the "Copy" option 
  • [EVESSIO-8597] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries:  Judging: Tick color is incorrect
  • [EVESSIO-8598] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: Shortlists: Categories list disappears if user changes "Extra fields" 
  • [EVESSIO-8599] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: Shortlists: Category Questions are blank if user adds Category Questions in "Winner" or "Voting" type
  • [EVESSIO-8605] - [Event Site]: Sponsor zone: Public profile: All changes deleted when user clicks "Update profile" button (categories field is required )
  • [EVESSIO-8649] - [Event Site] Basket: The default country in the form part does not use the user locale
  • [EVESSIO-8663] - [Event Site] Schedule: Not use local timezone in schedule on mobile devices 
  • [EVESSIO-8687] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Judging:  The score is divided by the total number of judges when the admin changes the score value in the admin part
  • [EVESSIO-8090] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Forms: Web: Submissions: The web form is not submitted when it contains required checkbox input field
  • [EVESSIO-8412] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: An error (502) appears when the user clicks the "Preview" button
  • [EVESSIO-8453] -  [Event site] Basket: The counter of the "Required" and "Optional" fields are not recounted when using the "Apply to all forms in basket" option
  • [EVESSIO-8471] - [Customer Admin Part]: Revenue: Products: Error appears when user tries to delete add-on product
  • [EVESSIO-8496] - [Customer Admin Part] News Feed: Article "Authors" are not displayed in the "News feeds" (Only for articles from another event)
  • [EVESSIO-8558] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Settings: The user cannot re-edit the event created before version 2.0.18
  • [EVESSIO-8559] - [Event Site]: Basket: Data from preferences form is pre-fiiled when pre-filling is disabled
  • [EVESSIO-8651] - [Operations][Customer Admin part]: Event: Data: Custom reports: The "+New Custom Report" button is not displayed for user with the "Operations" role
  • [EVESSIO-8657] - [Event Site] Event: Tickets: Change attendee:  The "Notify attendee" checkbox status by default does not meet the requirements when the "Do not send emails" checkbox is selected
  • [EVESSIO-8660] - [Event Site] Event: Tickets: Change attendee: The "First name" and "Last name" fields are not filled and not disabled when the user changes the attendee email and valid email is found
  • [EVESSIO-8666] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: The "Save" button is not active
  • [EVESSIO-8669] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Templates: The "Save" button is not active on the "Copy Template" page
  • [EVESSIO-8672] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Data: System reports: Date format in the "People" section does not match date format in other tabs
  • [EVESSIO-8675] - [Event Site]: Content is missing if custom template created
  • [EVESSIO-8676] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Templates: There is an opportunity to select "Logged-in pages" type twice
  • [EVESSIO-8677] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Data: Custom reports: The Unknown email IDs are displayed when the user adds an email column from the "Common information" section in the "Preferences" custom report
  • [EVESSIO-8680] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Data: Custom reports: The exported Excel file contains entries from other events
  • [EVESSIO-8681] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: People: The order of the fields in the exported file does not match the order of the fields on the "Preference" form
  • [EVESSIO-8682] - [Customer Admin Part] EventsHQ: Reports: Scheduled export: The exported file does not contain all the records from the report
  • [EVESSIO-8683] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Templates: "Template type" is on the page when user tries to copy template
  • [EVESSIO-8684] - [Event Site]: "Dynamic nodes" template is displayed instead of custom template
  • [EVESSIO-8685] - [Event Site]: Template name is on the page name 
  • [EVESSIO-8686] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: "Dynamic nodes" template is assigned to the page after current template deletion 
  • [EVESSIO-8688] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Judging: The "Complete" percentages are not calculated correctly when a user judges a category
  • [EVESSIO-8691] - [Customer Admin Part] Data: System reports: People: The table is not sorted
  • [EVESSIO-8693] - [Evessio Admin Part]: Content Types: Problem with new content type "Awards Room"
  • [EVESSIO-8694] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: The Layouts are duplicated when the user copy page with the several layouts and use the "Link" option
  • [EVESSIO-8695] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Content are not linked when user copies page 
  • [EVESSIO-8696] - [Event Site]: Basket: Product does not appears in basket if limit is set
  • [EVESSIO-8697] - [Customer Admin Part] My Account: Notification is sent if preference form is submitted
  • [EVESSIO-8699] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Forms: Public Profiles: An Error page appears when the user adds additional fields to the Sponsor/Exhibitor profile form
  • [EVESSIO-8701] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Judging: The "Score" is not displayed when the Admin change score for the not "Judged" nomination
  • [EVESSIO-8702] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Data: System reports: An error appears when the user opens the "People" section
  • [EVESSIO-8703] - [Event Site] Awards: Judging: The "Score" is set to "0" when the judge gives the score for the first time
  • [EVESSIO-8704] - [Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: Baskets: The "Preference" form fields are duplicated in the exported excel file 
  • [EVESSIO-8705] - [Event site] Basket: Incorrect data is applied in country field if  "Automatically pre-fill" is active
  • [EVESSIO-8707] - [Event site] Sponsor zone: Users: Sorting does not work in "Speaking" and "Sessions" columns
  • [EVESSIO-8709] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Forms: Exhibitor Forms: Submissions: An error appears when user tries to sort disabled fields
  • [EVESSIO-8710] - [Event Site] Exhibitor zone: Tasks: HTML fields are not disabled if "Disabled?" checkbox is selected
  • [EVESSIO-8715] - [Customer Admin Part] Exhibitor Catalogue Item.  VideoLink ContentType. Admin can't save empty video link
  • [EVESSIO-8716] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Forms: Web Forms: Submissions: Sorting in "Date-Time" and "Decimal" columns does not work
  • [EVESSIO-8717] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Forms: Web Forms: Submissions: Content in "Link - External URL" fields is missing
  • [EVESSIO-8721] - [Customer Admin Part]: Attendance: Attendees:  Sorting in "Ticket Status" column does not work
  • [EVESSIO-8723] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Judging: An error appears when the Admin sets a nomination "Score" = 0
  • [EVESSIO-8736] - [Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: Transaction Details: History: The record about "Payment failed" is added to the Transaction with the "Completed" status and duplicated in the transaction with the "Payment failed" status
  • [EVESSIO-8742] - [Operations][Customer Admin part]: Awards: Entries: Nomination details: User can not save feedback
  • [EVESSIO-8745] - [Event Site]: Basket: Auto-fill: The "Radio list" field is not auto-filled
  • [EVESSIO-8753] - [Event Site]: Basket: An error appears when the user tries to pay transaction by "CM payments" with the disabled "Personal information step" in the admin part