v2.11.5 - Awards and Awards Room updates - 9 September 2021
Awards Room Updates
New - Confetti celebration announcements A new style of message is available designed to share celebratory messages with the room e.g. to congratulate winners. The messages automatically fade out after 5 seconds but can also be closed manually.
New - Saved announcements Admin announcements to the room can now be prepared in advance and saved. The messages can then be sent whenever the time is right.
New - Public chat moderation via message removal Admins can see an option to hide/un-hide messages posted to the public chat. Clicking the eye icon will hide it from all but other admins. Hidden messages can be re-activated if required.
New - Camera switcher Guests with multiple cameras can now switch cameras directly *Note: feature was released as a patch in v2.11.3
Improved - Access controls: room closed custom message A new customised message can be displayed when the room is closed
Awards updates
New - Nomination name editing Questions selected to represent the nomination names can now be edited, changed and re-ordered
Improved - Mandatory/optional criteria scoring It is now possible to make judges scores mandatory or optional. There are new highlights to show when scoring is incomplete. **Note: we strongly recommend always making the judges scoring mandatory to ensure consistency
Improved - Nominations sorting The admin view of the nominations list has improved sorting by groups - scored, shortlisted/winners, disabled. This small improvement makes the list view more intuitive.
Improved - Nominations exports to folders Nominations and their uploaded supporting files can now be exported to separate folders
Other improvements
Improved terminology for Pages and Templates
[EVESSIO-5732] - [Customer Admin Part] Logout: An error appears in the console when the user logouts from system
[EVESSIO-9132] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards Room: Tables: Merge and Move: Icon is not aligned
[EVESSIO-9257] - [Unstable][Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Cursor stays fixed at the start of the textbox and text comes out in reverse order of typing
[EVESSIO-9405] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Users pop up window overrides the list of users after clicking on the users photo in the table section
[EVESSIO-9728] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event: Organisations: Pagination appears twice (below and under the table)
[EVESSIO-9737] - [Customer Admin Part]: Attendance: Attendees: Ticket status cannot be changed if create custom settings for purchased ticket
[EVESSIO-9746] - [Customer Admin Part]: Sponsors: Sponsors: An error appears when user clicks on Profiles link in Public profile tab
[EVESSIO-9773] - [Opera] [Event Site] Digital Event: The user logged out from the private part if he tried to enter Award Room
[EVESSIO-9803] - [Customer Admin Part]: The list of events disappears when user deletes the request from the search field (when status checkboxes are deselected)
[EVESSIO-9817] - [Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: List: sorting does not work in "All" tab if has cancelled transaction with disabled items
[EVESSIO-9822] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Invalid redirection after clicking on the page in the "used by" field
[EVESSIO-9860] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Pages: It is possible to copy a page with Digital Event item per event
[EVESSIO-9868] - [Event Site]: News Feed: Pagination and Infinite scrolling are not displayed when page size is more than 4 item per page
[EVESSIO-9884] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Log in Award room with tickets is not possible (the preloader is always spinning when ticket login is enabled )
[EVESSIO-9886] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Profile: The validation message "{{file name }} is too large, maximum file size is 40MB" is not displayed if the user uploads the image again within 1 edit
[EVESSIO-9891] - [Event Site] Page: Header: Logo image has link when link option is disabled in header
[EVESSIO-9892] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: There is no inform messages if non-ticket users log in the Room which forbidden by "Ticket" setting.
[EVESSIO-9907] - [Event Site, Customer Admin Part]: Summary: Voucher discount is applied for all the items of Award Grouped categories
[EVESSIO-9913] - [Customer Admin Part]: Revenue: Transactions: List: Sorting by "Date and Time" does not work correctly if the user has not English locale
[EVESSIO-9914] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Award Room does not load
[EVESSIO-9915] - [Event Site]: The centre alignment of the elements is on ES
[EVESSIO-9916] - [Admin Part]: Website: Template: "Save page" and "Save template" buttons are displayed instead of "Save" button
[EVESSIO-9917] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: The rank is not assigned if you put only the Winner class to the nomination
[EVESSIO-9918] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: The nomination with a lower winner class and score is higher than the nomination with a higher winner class and no score
[EVESSIO-9919] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: Warning icon + the text "Scoring is incomplete" is not displayed if Judge is obliged to score it
[EVESSIO-9923] - [Event Site] [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: Nominations: Nomination names contain wrong data in "Checkboxlist", "Dropdown", "Radiolist" instead of the data specified in the basket when buying a nomination
[EVESSIO-9924] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Categories: Categories questions: "Nomination name" modal: The user can drag the row if only 1 question is used for the nomination name
[EVESSIO-9925] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: The voting counting does not affect the rank
[EVESSIO-9927] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Categories: Categories questions: "Nomination names were successfully reordered" message is displayed if there was no change in the order of nomination names
[EVESSIO-9931] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Pages: Visibility of the Layout turns into "Not specified" after editing layout
[EVESSIO-9932] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Scoring: Impossible unassign criteria from the category if the nomination was judgement on Event Site
[EVESSIO-9975] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Video Call: "Stop Video" and "Switch Camera" buttons are swapped after clicking the "Stop Video" button
[EVESSIO-9978] - [Event Site]: Award Room: if the user switches the camera to another before the call starts, then during the call, the camera switches to the original
[EVESSIO-9302] - [Event Site]: Basket: Payments: Rejects payment using PayPal in CM payments provider
[EVESSIO-9762] - [Event Site] Exhibitor Zone: Sessions: Edit button GUI is corrupted after assigning Exhibitor to more than 1 session
[EVESSIO-9872] - [Event Site] Awards: Judging: Progress bar percentages are not visible when progress bar equals 0%
[EVESSIO-9926] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Nominations are not sorted by A-z after disabling voting
[EVESSIO-9928] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Disabled nominations are not sorted by A-z if they had a rank before
[EVESSIO-9941] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Categories: Category Questions: Nomination name: The order of the rows in the "Nomination name" section is not change after drag the row
[EVESSIO-9945] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: GUI is broken for "Welcome to the table" and "Find your table" pages
[EVESSIO-9952] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: People > My Group: It's impossible to send a private message via message icon
[EVESSIO-9955] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: The colour of the edited text in the message list is not faded
[EVESSIO-9957] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: An empty modal window and an error in the console appears after pressing the new call button
[EVESSIO-9960] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Chat: My Group/People: My Group: Info text is not centered
[EVESSIO-9964] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Private message: When sending a private message, "my group" is displayed instead of the recipient's first and last name
[EVESSIO-9966] - [Customer Admin Part] Pages: Digital Event content: "Save and add more" button is displayed in edit Digital Event modal window
[EVESSIO-9979] - [Event Site]: Award Room: Camera don't switch when user (with 2 cameras) logged in AR and click "Switch camera" button for the first time
[EVESSIO-9985] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: People tab: An error appears when you click on the "Has Video" checkbox
[EVESSIO-9988] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Video Call: Users on a video call are displayed in one line
[EVESSIO-9168] - [Event Site]: Basket: Payments: The User is not redirected to the "Summary" page after the "CM payment" canceling
[EVESSIO-9504] - [Customer Admin Part]: Attendance: Attendees: Search: Search by "Attendee name" does not work
[EVESSIO-9823] - [Event Site]: Awards: Categories: Add/Edit Category: Add sponsor: There is wrong message if try to create organisation that already exist with sponsor role
[EVESSIO-9940] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards Room: Groups: Edit Digital Awards: "Use customized message when event is closed?" checkbox displayed after "Open entry (hours before start time)" slider when select "Restrict room access for attendees" checkbox
[EVESSIO-9942] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: An error appears in console when Admin saves messages
[EVESSIO-9943] - [Event Site]: Impossible to log in past Award Room if "Restrict room access for attendees?" is unchecked
[EVESSIO-9944] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: User from "Public Gallery" can't enter in AR
[EVESSIO-9948] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: Time of the sent text messages doesn't correspond to the user's time zone
[EVESSIO-9953] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: People tab: The call is not started if click "Video call" icon
[EVESSIO-9954] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: "Banner announcement" and "Celebration:confetti" message types are not sorted in DESC order by date time
[EVESSIO-9956] - [Event Site]: Admin Dashboard: Awards Room: Text field should have a "Cancel" icon edit mode
[EVESSIO-9958] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: No confirmation window appears after Admin clicks "Delete" or "Send" buttons of saved message
[EVESSIO-9965] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Chat: Users (no admins) don't see messages in "My group" and "Private"chats
[EVESSIO-9970] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Errors in console appear when user clicks "Use different email address" after "Forgot password" page
[EVESSIO-9972] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: Sent messages before build 2.11.1 don't displayed to Admin Dashboard
[EVESSIO-9973] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: The presentation section disappears when you switch the message type in the admin dashboard
[EVESSIO-9981] - [Customer Admin Part] Transactions: Transaction details: Letter 'r' is not rendered in email field in Personal/Invoice details
[EVESSIO-9990] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: User cannot log in AR without a camera on computer
[EVESSIO-9997] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: AR does not ask for permission to use the camera and microphone
[EVESSIO-9998] - [Admin Part]: Events HQ: Settings: Payments: Validation message and an error in console and appear when user tries to apply "Canadian dollar" currency
[EVESSIO-9999] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Chat: My Group: User move messages are displayed centered
[EVESSIO-10001] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Video Presentation disappears when user changes Camera or Microphone permission settings
[EVESSIO-10012] - [Customer Admin Part]: Exhibition: Exhibition Stands: Sorting by "Stand #" does not work correctly
[EVESSIO-10013] - [Customer Admin Part] Event HQ: People: Teams: Create Team: It is possible to create several Teams by repeatedly clicking "Save" button
[EVESSIO-9939] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin can not hide messages in the Room Chat (an error appears in console). Users can see the messages.
[EVESSIO-9967] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: It is possible to enter the AR when the event has not started
[EVESSIO-9968] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: There are not "Move table invitation" message for Inviter when Invitee decline or accept the invite
[EVESSIO-10002] - [Event Site] Judging: Nomination details: Gui is broken when unpin scoring panel
[EVESSIO-10004] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Initial letters of user's First and Last names are not displayed in Profile information Pop-up
[EVESSIO-10006] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Categories: Category Questions: Missing letter "r" in the word "preferred"
[EVESSIO-10022] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: After clicking on the video call to the user, the responder does not receive a call notification
[EVESSIO-10023] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Access to the AR is closed when the start time of the event is in the future and an attempt to enter does not occur during the access restrictions period
[EVESSIO-10024] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Chat: My Group: An error appears when click "People >My Group" link
[EVESSIO-10025] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Welcome page: Extra space between elements for Public Gallery users
[EVESSIO-10026] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Chat: The Room: Users of Public Galley can not see the messages in Room Chat
[EVESSIO-10028] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Chat: Users (no admins) don't see incoming new messages in "My group" and "Private"chats
[EVESSIO-10029] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Server error appears in console when users (not Admin) enter the AR
[EVESSIO-10032] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room:Admin Dashboard: "Delete" button does not disable in the message list when the message in edit mode
[EVESSIO-10033] - [Event site] Transactions: Basket: Transaction stays Incomplete (Processing status) when user tries to complete transaction by PayPal when Canadian Dollar is selected as an event currency.
[EVESSIO-10034] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: related buttons of all saved messages does not disabled in the message list if any message in edit mode
[EVESSIO-10035] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: The message in "The Room chat" does not becomes visible for users after clicking "resore" icon
[EVESSIO-5265] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Nominations: The "All" checkbox in the "Voting" stays marked when the user has deselected any nomination in a category
[EVESSIO-7190] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: The "Select All" checkbox isn't selected when the user selects all nominations for voting
[EVESSIO-9995] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: All Event Admins except the superuser do not see the admin dashboard
[EVESSIO-10040] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room:Admin Dashboard: Banner announcements and celebrations does not send
[EVESSIO-10041] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: Edited messages are sent with the initial content (not edited)
[EVESSIO-10042] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard does not expend and error appears in console after the Admin hide/restore the message
[EVESSIO-10044] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: Sent messages are displayed as empty in Admin Dashboard when they are sent in edit mode
[EVESSIO-10045] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: Nomination details window: GUI of the buttons is corrupted: buttons are not aligned.
[EVESSIO-10049] - [Event Site, Customer Admin Part]: Revenue: Products: "Multi-select" for Table Booking and Event Attendance product types is not working when customers try to add up to 10 items at once into the basket
[EVESSIO-10050] - [Event Site]: Basket: "Confirm Action" window does not appear when customer adds more than 1 item twice into the basket
[EVESSIO-10059] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: Nominations: "Save" button become disabled before reload page if set in "Override" value more than max score but not save it
[EVESSIO-10063] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: The nominations with the same "Rank" does sort by the name A-Z
[EVESSIO-10073] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Chat: Chat counter is seen after user is moved to Public Galley until the user reloads the page
[EVESSIO-10074] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Video Call: The camera does not switch for other users on a call
[EVESSIO-10076] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Admin Dashboard: Time of animation do not extended if Admin sent 2 in a row "Celebration:confetti" announcements
[EVESSIO-10077] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: An error appears in the console when you open private messages (public gallery table has not been created)