How to extend a category close date

To view the product type open and close dates for all categories go to the REVENUE tab and click on “Products”. Then click on “Awards Nomination”. Any custom dates you wish to set for any of the categories MUST close no later than the product type “Closes” date.

Here the "product type" is "Awards Nomination". The Opens and Closes dates define the overall window in which nominations can be made - no nomination can be made in any category outside these dates.

If you attempt to set a custom close date for any category that is outside this window you will see the following error:

If you have a category you would like to remain open after all the others have closed you will need to extend the Awards Nomination close date to the later date.

If all the categories apart from the one you want to remain open need to be given a custom Close date that is earlier than the Awards Nomination close date. Tick all categories except the one that needs to close on the later date. Click on “Update selected”, followed by “Dates”. 

From the “Close date” dropdown menu select "Custom", input the date on which these categories should close and click “Save”.