2.15 - Stabilisation Release with bug fixes and minor improvements
Mobile checkin app issues
Browser related issues
Other issues picked up in testing and via automated error capture
[EVESSIO-9137] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards Room: Tables: Merge and Move: Some private messages are lost when the admin using the merge and move option
[EVESSIO-9154] - Live [Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: An errors in the console appears when the user tries to open the "Nomination details" modal by the nomination link in the transaction
[EVESSIO-10368] - [Unstable] [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Some users with an admin domain are not displayed in the CAP after logging into the AR
[EVESSIO-10470] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Empty page and console error appears when new user create an account and first time logs in to AR if user doesn't assign to the group
[EVESSIO-10601] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event Schedule: Agendas: Filters section doesn't display for Event with "Awards" event type
[EVESSIO-10623] - [Customer Admin Part]: Entries: Excel export: Total count for "Completed" column doesn't decrease after disabling item in "Modify transaction"
[EVESSIO-10642] - [Admin Part] News: Articles: An error appears after user clicks "Update" button
[EVESSIO-10653] - [Event Site]: News, News Feed: Articles not belonging to the Event are opened with error on ES
[EVESSIO-10692] - [Event Site]: Private Part: Basket: "Summary" page (step 4) takes a long time to load if all payment providers is activated. "Connection timed out" error appears in console.
[EVESSIO-10731] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports: Data in "Transaction total", "Transaction Net" and "Transaction Vat" columns should be taken from DB transaction table properties after cancelling an item
[EVESSIO-10751] - [IE] [Event Site] Awards: Judging: Buttons and links don't work on the page
[EVESSIO-10752] - [IE] [Event Site] Awards: Judging: Numeration, "Show n entries", pagination are missing on the page
[EVESSIO-10754] - [IE] [Event Site] Basket: It's impossible to add product to basket. Button is frozen
[EVESSIO-10765] - [Event Site]: Private Part: Basket, Saved items: "Error:Internal page displays if upload a file and save the product for later
[EVESSIO-10779] - Live [Event Site]: "Error:Enternal" page display if use Captcha (non google)
[EVESSIO-10791] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports: Transaction Total/Net/Vat column values = 0 when Invoice record is generated and "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox is unchecked (Full credit note behavior set up)
[EVESSIO-10792] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports: Transaction Total/Net/Vat column values = 0 when LAST Invoice record is generated and "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox is CHECKED (Full credit note behavior set up)
[EVESSIO-10793] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports: Transaction Total/Net/Vat column values != 0 when CreditNote record is generated and "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox is unchecked for RefundPending and Refunded transactions
[EVESSIO-10794] - [Customer Admin Part]:EventsHQ:Custom Reports:Transaction Total/Net/Vat column values != 0 when LAST CreditNote record is generated and "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox is CHECKED for RefundPending and Refunded status
[EVESSIO-10798] - [Live][Mobile Application]: QR code no valid after scanning.
[EVESSIO-10799] - [Live][Mobile Application]: Search box is partly covered.
[EVESSIO-10802] - [Event Site]: News feed is not displayed on the node page if it was added on a template by Admin
[EVESSIO-10804] - [Customer Admin Part]: Entries: Shortlists: Only the edited name is displayed in the export if the original name was changed
[EVESSIO-10805] - [Mobile application]: Entered username and password are invisible if dark theme is used
[EVESSIO-10809] - Unstable [Admin Part] Awards: Categories: Counter in "Categories" column doesn't work correct after the first assignment
[EVESSIO-10811] - [Event Site]: Product Selection List: Error page appears when user tries to process Awards Nomination product from the Product Selection List after changing Primary Language
[EVESSIO-10813] - [Customer Admin Part]: News: Article: The article doesn't display on the node after clicking external link for changed primary language Event
[EVESSIO-10814] - [Customer Admin Part]: Website: Pages: Add content: News feeds created after changing primary language display as "No preview" (for changed primary language event)
[EVESSIO-10147] - [Event Site] Digital Awards: Chat: My Group: The information of users movements is incomplete: it shows only the last checked in Guest tab user
[EVESSIO-10603] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event Schedule: Agendas: A square display instead of flag icon on calendar widget
[EVESSIO-10695] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event Schedule: Agendas: "Speaker" filters section displays for Event with only "Awards" event type
[EVESSIO-10696] - [Admin Part, Event Site]: Awards Room: Group terminology Title is not applied for Merge and Move info messages in Group Chat
[EVESSIO-10698] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports, Scheduled Exports: Data to the "CCPartialRefund, CCRefunded " pulled not from TXhistory if select "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox
[EVESSIO-10705] - [Event Site]: Digital Awards: Welcome text for Public Galley users contains extra text when ticket access is set
[EVESSIO-10711] - [Event Site]: Awards Room: Horizontal scroll bar is displayed in new call modal.
[EVESSIO-10698] - [Customer Admin Part]: Events HQ: Custom Reports, Scheduled Exports: Data to the "CCPartialRefund, CCRefunded " pulled not from TXhistory if select "include all value adjustments for each transaction" checkbox
[EVESSIO-10715] - [Customer Admin Part]:Events HQ:Custom Reports:Data to the "Transaction Total"column for CCPartialRefund transactions pulled from transaction history-last value when history checkbox is unselected
[EVESSIO-10655] - [Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: Category completion progress displays 0% value for judging on existing events
[EVESSIO-10714] - Unstable:[Live][Event site]: Error on logging in to purchase a product, or add a product in the basket
[EVESSIO-10719] - [Customer Admin Part]: Event Schedule: Agendas: There is no "Available, Assigned Sponsors" table for "Award" event
[EVESSIO-10721] - [Admin Part]Events HQ : Reports : Custom Reports: Data in "Transaction total", "Transaction Net" and "Transaction Vat" columns are not taken from DB transaction table properties
[EVESSIO-2464] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] Website: Content: Groups of content type is displayed on the full page
[EVESSIO-2588] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Media: Confirmation message: After the basket icon is missed the space
[EVESSIO-2706] - [Customer Admin Part] Log in form: Mistake in the name of the button - 'Login' is shown instead 'Log in'
[EVESSIO-2837] - [IE 11] [Customer Admin Part] Website: Content: Collaborators: Testimonials List: Palette is displayed as grey in background colour item
[EVESSIO-2849] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] Event list: New Event: Select theme: The theme thumbnails are not displayed
[EVESSIO-3186] - [Customer Admin Part] Event: Users: Table is not sorted by quantity of products if the quantity of transaction is the same
[EVESSIO-3833] - [IE 11][Customer Admin Part] Event Group: The tooltip displayed in the different places
[EVESSIO-3950] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] Event: Data: System reports: Summary: The file icon on the button starts spinning after downloading the file
[EVESSIO-4527] - [IE 11] [Customer Admin Part] Login: The placeholder isn't displayed in the field in which a cursor is placed
[EVESSIO-5395] - [IE 11] [Customer Admin Part] Events HQ: Settings: Templates: Emails: The cursor jumps over from the Name field to the Body section when the user tries to enter email name or subject
[EVESSIO-6526] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Payment Settings: GUI is broken in Checkout Settings
[EVESSIO-6740] - [Customer Admin Part] Event Schedule: Agendas: User cannot select date in datepicker for agenda with some dates
[EVESSIO-7869] - [Event site]: Closing date popover is not displayed if an icon is clicked
[EVESSIO-7874] - [Safari][Event site]: Awards: Nomination Receiving: Calendar is overridden by comment field
[EVESSIO-8224] - [Safari][Event Site]: Nomination Receiving: Textarea bar is over the calendar on click datepicker.
[EVESSIO-8748] - [Customer Admin Part] Website: Forms: Voting: Submissions: The "Category" and "Nomination" columns are not displayed in the voting submissions table
[EVESSIO-8762] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] Event: Settings: The "Event" fields are empty for the "Pending" events
[EVESSIO-8763] - [IE 11] [Event Site]: Exhibitor zone: Exhibitor Stand: Product Details: Add-on: Add-on products are not displayed
[EVESSIO-8764] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] Website: Pages: Menus: Colors in the palette are not displayed
[EVESSIO-8765] - [IE 11] [Event Site]: Exhibitor zone: Exhibitor Stand: Product Details: User can not process transaction
[EVESSIO-8766] - [IE][Event Site] Dashboard: The "Counters" of sections are not displayed
[EVESSIO-8768] - [IE 11] [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: GUI is broken if user pins scoring criteria
[EVESSIO-8769] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] Revenue: Transactions: The "Status" filter does not work
[EVESSIO-8770] - [IE 11] [Event Site]: Basket: Auto-fill: Auto-fill does not work
[EVESSIO-8772] - [IE 11] [Customer Admin Part]: Event: Settings: An error appears when user sets "Show cookiewarning" to "Yes"
[EVESSIO-8775] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] Website: Content: Photo Gallery: The image thumbnails are not displayed
[EVESSIO-8778] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] Event: Messages: The ".svg" images are not displayed in the mailshot
[EVESSIO-8779] - [IE][Event Site] Profiles: The profile fields are displayed with tags
[EVESSIO-8781] - [IE 11] [Event Site] Basket: The default country in the form part does not use the user locale
[EVESSIO-8782] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] Awards: Settings: The "Voting" form is not displayed on ES
[EVESSIO-8787] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] News Feed: The "Infinite scrolling" does not work
[EVESSIO-8788] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] News Feed: The "View selector" does not work
[EVESSIO-8789] - [IE][Customer Admin Part] News Feed: The "Search" in News Feed does not work
[EVESSIO-8790] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] News Feed: The page switcher is not displayed on the page if the feed contains more articles than can be placed on the page
[EVESSIO-8791] - [IE] [Customer Admin Part] News Feed: An Error page appears when the user tries to open the "News feed" page
[EVESSIO-9350] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Custom sorting for Sponsor profile does not work
[EVESSIO-9553] - [Event Site]: Exhibitor zone: Profile: Hint background is black
[EVESSIO-9663] - [Customer Admin Part] Events list: Status dropdown is empty
[EVESSIO-9712] - Unstable[Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: User is not displayed (incognito tab)
[EVESSIO-9723] - [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Profile: "First Name", "Last name" are not pre-filled for users without profile
[EVESSIO-9738] - [Internet Explorer][Customer Admin Part, Event Site]: Evessio does not open to the IE 11
[EVESSIO-9794] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards Room: Guest tab: An error appears when users are moved to another group
[EVESSIO-9994] - [Awards Room] Video Chat: "Close" and "Invite selected people" buttons disappear when user inspects the page with "New call" video modal opened
[EVESSIO-10116] - [Evessio Admin Part]: Events HQ: Reports: Email Templates: There are no colours in Font colour palette of HTML email template
[EVESSIO-10447] - Unstable: [Event Site] Awards Room: Chat: My Group: Not all the users are displayed in Group Chat info message after movement by Event Admin
[EVESSIO-10521] - [Event Site]: News Feed: Hero articles are not displayed as "Hero" if "Slider" was set to the view selector
[EVESSIO-10764] - [Event Site] Awards: Judging: Long feedback is not fully visible in pop-up
[EVESSIO-10722] - [Admin Part]Events HQ : Settings: Payments : Help article is not opened if click "help article" link
[EVESSIO-10729] - [Event Site]: Private Part: Basket: Summary page (step 4): Processing button is disabled when user goes back on the page
[EVESSIO-10753] - [IE] [Event Site] Digital Event: Unsupported message is not displayed when opening AR
[EVESSIO-10368] - [Unstable] [Event Site] Digital Event: Awards Room: Some users with an admin domain are not displayed in the CAP after logging into the AR