v2.21 - Awards updates - 22 March 2023
New Features
Share your feedback and monitor the Evessio roadmap
- This new feature is available directly from the admin app
- Submit your ideas and feedback directly (note: ideas are not immediately visible, they will be reviewed before adding to the list)
- While this will not be an exhaustive list of all roadmap items it will be the place to track your ideas along with our key upcoming activity
Export categories and questions to excel
- Now all categories and questions can be exported to Excel
- This is a small utility export to be able to view and review all Categories and questions in one place
Key fixes and improvements
PDF Batch export returns!
- This will be available from within judging rounds initially
- An upcoming improvement will add this feature to the AWARDS > Nominations list
- Score re-calculations on un-assignment/re-assignment of judges - to prevent possible errors, now when a judge with scores is un-assigned, their scores are preserved but excluded for calculations. If the judge is re-assigned to previously scored categories, their scores are automatically restored and included in calculations.
- New nomination admin email notification link fixed - now the link to view a nomination directly from the email has been restored to working
- CM Payments - it is now possible to modify a transaction after initially submitting it for payment (but not completing the payment by card)
- Nominations Excel export - missing questions columns
- [EVESSIO-11182] - [Admin Part]: Awards: Judging: Move nominations MW: "Move" button is disabled if check collapsed category group to be moved to
- [EVESSIO-11437] - [CAP]: Awards:Judging: Move nomination: Error ("judgements_count") is displayed if create an abstract category without nominations
- [EVESSIO-11453] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Empty category are imported to the new round from automatically created judging round after migration (Import source: Judging round)
- [EVESSIO-11457] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Excel Export: "Excel export" button doesn't disappear dynamically if delete all categories with nominations
- [EVESSIO-11516] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: "Create Judging Round"MW: Category without nominations are displayed in "Select categories" if select "Advanced options"
- [EVESSIO-11512] - [СAP] Awards: Judging: Nominations: Nominations details: Disabled collaborators are not displayed in Judging section
- [EVESSIO-11521] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Excel Export: Nominations tab: Sets of category questions are not displayed in order as Categories appear
- [EVESSIO-11526] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: JR: Excel report: Values in "Thumbs" and "Smile" columns are counted incorrect (Criteria tab)
- [EVESSIO-11531] - [CAP]:Awards:Judging:Wrong top X score and rank is displayed in "Nominations" table after changing number of positions
- [EVESSIO-11532] - [CAP]:Awards:Wrong top X score and rank is displayed in "Nominations" table after changing "Points" values
- [EVESSIO-11539] - [CAP]: Awards:Judging: Rank is not re-calculated after unassigning a Judge who has scored the nomination
- [EVESSIO-11540] - [CAP]: Awards:Judging: Nominations: Unassigned judge and his score is counted in "Score" column if Admin override the score of assigned judge
- [EVESSIO-3832] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: PDF batch export: The "Process export" button is active when no categories for the export are selected
- [EVESSIO-11395] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: The judging menu is available if Judge is not assigned to category per judging round
- [EVESSIO-11577] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Error "judges_count" is displayed in console in Nomination tab if empty category is in a round
- [EVESSIO-11582] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Create judging round MW: There are no any categories in "Selected categories" if set "Original categories" as a source for the second round
- [EVESSIO-11583] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Judging tab: Assigned to any category judge is not displayed in Judging list if he didn't judge on ES (or overridden by Admin)
- [EVESSIO-11584] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: "Judges" counter is not displayed for the category (without nominations) created per round
- [EVESSIO-11585] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Create judging round MW: Ungrouped categories are not displayed in "Selected categories""
- [EVESSIO-3831] - [Customer Admin Part] Awards: Entries: PDF batch export: It is possible to click the "Preview layout" button several times before opening the corresponding "PDF Format Preview" window, the "PDF Format Preview" window opens the same number of times
- [EVESSIO-11395] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: The judging menu is available if Judge is not assigned to category per judging round
- [EVESSIO-11456] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Empty category (without nominations) are imported to the new round if it "Saved" or "Inbasket"
- [EVESSIO-11578] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Assign by judge, Assign by category: Confirmation window is displayed if assign a judge
- [EVESSIO-11587] - [CAP]: Awards:Judging: Assign by judge, Assign by category: Confirmation window is displayed if unassign the judge who has no any scores
- [EVESSIO-11588] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: "JudgesInfo" counter is counted unassigned judge who has score
- [EVESSIO-11589] - [CAP]: Awards:Judging: Edit Round: Empty category (without nominations) are imported to the new round if transaction in "Incomplete", "Cancel" status if update Round
- [EVESSIO-11590] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: The judging submenu is not hidden if no judging round category has been assigned to Judge
- [EVESSIO-11593] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Categories are preselected if open "PDF Export configuration" modal
- [EVESSIO-11595] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Score, Rank and Votes filters don't work: no nominations are exported in export
- [EVESSIO-11597] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Score filter select nominations by judge score, even if nomination has overridden score
- [EVESSIO-11599] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Error message and 400 error appear in console if click "Preview Layout" button if Round is not first
- [EVESSIO-11600] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Nomination details: "Save" button is not disabled if enter score more than max scoring per round
- [EVESSIO-11152] - [Admin Part]: Awards: Categories: Judging: Modal Window:"Description" is not optional, "Hide description from judges?" options are not removed from Add/edit category modal
- [EVESSIO-11580] - CAP]:Awards:Judging: Nominations: Unassigned positions are displayed in Nominations in TOP X SCORE column if change "Number of positions to assign"
- [EVESSIO-11603] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Original category group is not displayed in nominations manifest file
- [EVESSIO-11604] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Nominations having score (not top x) are not exported in Zip and manifest if Round has Top X. Checkbox is not displayed for "Top x score" filter
- [EVESSIO-11607] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Manifest: Winner class is not displayed in file
- [EVESSIO-11611] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Top X rank filter doesn't work: all nominations are exported in manifest if set value in Top X rank filter
- [EVESSIO-11525] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Excel Export: Score by judge and Criteria sheets: Override by Admin doesn't affect the cell value in {{ judging round criteria name }} /{{max score per criteria}}
- [EVESSIO-11592] - [Event Site]: Private: Summary: Awards Nomination transaction stays in Processing
- [EVESSIO-11605] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Manifest: Top X Rank doesn't correspond to Rank in nomination table
- [EVESSIO-11606] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Manifest: Total Top and rank{{X}} is displayed instead of variable
- [EVESSIO-11609] - [CAP]: Awards: Nominations: Judging: Nominations: Loading Performance is slow if open the sections in Nominations and Judging
- [EVESSIO-11617] - [Admin] Group notification link for Awards nomination broken
- [EVESSIO-11619] - [Event Site]: Private: Basket: Low performance of the Basket when passing the steps
- [EVESSIO-11525] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Excel Export: Score by judge and Criteria sheets: Override by Admin doesn't affect the cell value in {{ judging round criteria name }} /{{max score per criteria}}
- [EVESSIO-11592] - [Event Site]: Private: Summary: Awards Nomination transaction stays in Processing
- [EVESSIO-11605] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Manifest: Top X Rank doesn't correspond to Rank in nomination table
- [EVESSIO-11606] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Manifest: Total Top and rank{{X}} is displayed instead of variable
- [EVESSIO-11609] - [CAP]: Awards: Nominations: Judging: Nominations: Loading Performance is slow if open the sections in Nominations and Judging
- [EVESSIO-11617] - [Admin] Group notification link for Awards nomination broken
- [EVESSIO-11619] - [Event Site]: Private: Basket: Low performance of the Basket when passing the steps
- [EVESSIO-11616] - [Event Site]: Private: Awards: Judging: "Error: Internal" appears if click namination name if the event was the source for cloning the event
- [EVESSIO-11623] - [CAP]: Award: Judging: Judging: "Rank" value instead of "Judge Top X score" is displayed in the corresponding column
- [EVESSIO-11626] - [CAP]: Award: Nominations: Nomination details: Impossible to open "Nomination Print" modal. Error "reading uuid " appears in console
- [EVESSIO-11172] - [Admin Part]: Awards: Categories: Not purchased (Incomplete) nominations are included in "Nominations or Saved/InBasket" counter
- [EVESSIO-11518] - [Event Site]: Error "Loading the Google Maps JS API without a callback is not supported" appears in console if go to Event Site
- [EVESSIO-11591] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Score is not displayed in Nominations table if set (overridden) by Admin if Round doesn't have Top X scoring criterion
- [EVESSIO-11598] - [Event Site]: Error "Uncaught (In Promise)" appears in console if go to Event Site when page has a content
- [EVESSIO-11615] - [CAP]: Awards: Categories: Excel export: "Required, Hide from entrant, Hide from judge and Is nomination name" cells display 0 and 1 instead of "True and False"
- [EVESSIO-11618] - [Event Site]: Private: Error: Internal is displayed if go to Private part. Impossibe to view new Events
- [EVESSIO-11628] - [CAP] Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: The "Receiving" and "Processing" comments are not displayed in the exported file
- [EVESSIO-9814] - [Customer Admin Part]: Awards: Entries: Scoring is not kept in the nomination detailed export after the judge was unassigned with choosing "Preserve" scoring option
- [EVESSIO-11570] - [Frontend] CM payments cannot re-process transaction
- [EVESSIO-11614] - [CAP]: Awards: Categories: Excel export: "Nomination name order" cell is empty
- [EVESSIO-11632] - [CAP]: Collaborators: Awards: Judging: Nominations: Score and Rank is not unassigned if set "Delete" score when unassign judge role in "Collaborators" section
- [EVESSIO-11643] - [Event Site]: Awards: Judging: Scoring criteria are duplicated and displayed for all nominations despite assigning if event is source for cloning
- [EVESSIO-11645] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Nominations: PDF Batch export: Export fails if Physical category has originally disabled nominations in Nominations section
- [EVESSIO-11652] - [CAP]: Awards: Judging: Excel export: Some questions are missed in "Category" sheet