Theme Settings

To locate Theme Settings go to WEBSITE> Theme> Theme settings.

Event Colour Palette

The first section is the event colour pallet. Add the HEX codes for branded colours for your event. Each section gives a short description of how that particular colour will be used.


Next, optionally add a custom favicon. A favicon is the little symbol on each browser tab. By default this will be the Evessio symbol but you can change this by selecting custom. Click in the box to upload the image. This should be in a .ico file format.

Once you have added the favicon and saved theme settings you should go to WEBSITE>Pages> Templates, save each of your templates and publish updates. The favicon will now be applied.

Font and Font Size

Select the font you require from the dropdown menu. If it is not available on the list it may be possible to add a custom font (please see related articles). Then select the font size.

Custom CSS and JavaScript

From time to time it may be necessary to use custom CSS or JavaScript to make the changes you require. If you require support with this contact

Once you have made all necessary changes remember to click "Save".