Cloning/ Duplicating Nominations
Duplicating or cloning a nomination creates a full copy of the original nomination. This means you can make modifications to the duplicated nomination without changing anything in the original nomination. All copies of the nomination can then be imported into a judging round and moved into categories as required. If the duplicate is being moved into a category which has different questions this does not effect the copy. It will contain the same questions as the original nomination. To clone a nomination:
Go to AWARDS> Nominations and click "Clone nominations"
Select the nomination(s) you would like to clone and click "Clone selected"
To clone a nomination it must be placed in a new transaction. The new transaction will be automatically created and the items will be added to it.
If you choose "Complete" as the transaction status the duplicated nomination will be free. All items will be set at a 0 price (regardless of actual price) and the nomination in the transaction will be immediately available to import into a judging round.
If you choose "Incomplete" the duplicated nomination will NOT be immediately available for judging. Incomplete transactions must be completed separately by the customer or an admin user. Use this approach if you require payment via invoice or credit card using the checkout process. The customer should log into their account and go to the "Incomplete" tab on the left hand side to submit the duplicated nomination.
Next select who the transaction customer should be. If the customer does not need/want access to their duplicated entry in the logged in area, and does not need to process an incomplete entry or you will be processing the incomplete entry for them you should select "Me". You will be the owner of this transaction.
If you would like to assign the transaction to someone else so they can complete and pay for the entry or just so they have access to the nomination in the logged in area you should select "Someone else". Select who you would like to own the transaction and select if they should receive a notification.
Finally click "Finish Cloning".
All duplicated nominations have a small symbol comprising of two circles beside it. The original nomination will have a single circle beside it. If a duplicated entry is part of a incomplete transaction the two circles will be yellow. If you are unsure hover over the symbol with the mouse.
Once the nomination has been duplicated it can be imported into the judging round like any other nomination. Then move the nominations to the relevant categories within the judging round. For more information on the judging process and importing entries please see Related Articles.
A category must be available to duplicate/clone a nomination. If the nomination date has already passed you will need to briefly re-open the category in order to duplicate the nomination.