System Report: Nominations
If you would like a report including information about nominations/entries submitted you need the Nominations report. This report includes all completed nominations. You can then use excel or your desired programme to filter the information to meet your requirements.
There are 3 versions of this report; Summary, detailed and nomination report from within the judging round. Whilst the reports share some information both the detailed report and the report from within the judging rounds contain additional information.
Summary And Detailed Reports
To find the report go to EVENT> Data and choose if you would like to download the summary or detailed version of the nomination report. Alternatively if you require data for a specific timescale, click on the name of the report and use the date options to define the time frame. You can then download that specific set of data in either the summary or detailed format.
The summary version of the report contains one sheet and ONE LINE per nomination. It also includes nominations which are part of incomplete transactions. This means if you only wish to see nominations which are submitted you should filter the report accordingly. This report includes the following fields (keep scrolling to the right to see all fields):
- Transaction ID
- Status- This column can be filtered to only show submitted nominations and exclude those in an incomplete status
- Item Status
- Nomination Code
- Original Code- This field is only applicable for nominations which have been copied/cloned
- Nomination Name
- Original Category Group- This field is only applicable if the entry has been moved from one category group to another
- Original Category
- Date- This is the date the customer moved beyond the basket e.g. onto the invoice step or personal details step depending on your process
- Nominator first name, last name and email address
- Company name- This data is collect from either the invoice details or the personal details form. If "Company" is not a required field on either of these forms the field may appear blank if the customer has not provided the information
- Paperwork URL- This link will take you to the paperwork for the specific nomination
The following fields on the nomination report will only be in use if the nominations receiving and processing features are in use for physical categories. Otherwise the fields will remain blank
- Received- Yes or no
- Received Condition
- Received Count
- Received used by date
- Received Storage
- Receiving Comments
- Notified
- Received Additional Message
- Processed
- Processing Comments
The detailed nomination report contains 3 separate sheets:
Transactions Sheet
This sheet contains nominations which have been completed as well as any which are in a refunded status. You can choose to filter to display only completed/paid nominations. This sheet includes all field listed as part of the summary report with the addition of:
- All information collected on the preferences form- The preferences form is an optional additional form which can be presented to users after they first log in to collect additional information. If you do not use the preferences form as part of your event these fields will remain blank. Any field deriving from the preferences form will begin with the prefix "U" in the column name.
- All information collected as part of the personal details form. This is an optional additional step in the checkout process which appears before the invoice details step. If you do not use this step as part of the checkout process the fields will remain blank. Any fields deriving from the personal details form will begin with the prefix "P" in the column name.
- All information collect as part of the Invoice Details form. For paid transactions this is a required step in the checkout process. For free of charge entries this is an optional step. If you do not include this step as part of the free of charge process the fields will remain blank. Any fields deriving from the Invoice Details form will begin with the prefix "I" in the column name.
- Disabled- If an entry has been disabled in the back office this field will read "True". If the entry is not disabled this field will read "False".
- Validated-If an entry has been validated in the back office this field will read "True". If the entry is not validated his field will read "False".
Nominations Sheet
This sheet contains nominations which have been completed, any which are in a refunded status as well as entries which are saved or in basket. You can choose to filter to display only completed/paid nominations. This sheet includes all field listed as part of the detailed report transactions sheet with the addition of:
- Order State e.g. in basket, saved, processed
- % Complete- This columns indicated what percentage of the fields the customer has completed
- % Required- This column indicates the fields marked as required the customer has completed.
- All information collected as part of the nomination/entry form. If a nomination is Saved or In basket you can see the information they have already input.
Submissions Sheet
This sheet shows how many in basket, Saved, and transactions each category currently has as well as a total of these figures. The transactions column includes all transactions including those which may be in an incomplete status so in addition you will see a completed column. If there is a difference between the figures in the transactions column in comparison to the complete column this is due to incomplete transactions.
Nomination Report From Within A Judging Round
In addition to the above nominations report each judging round will contain it's own detailed nomination report which will contain similar information to the above reports with the addition of judges scores and comments. That is to say if you have 2 judging rounds there will be 2 additional nomination reports.
These report can be found by accessing the relevant round via AWARDS> Judging and clicking "Excel Export".
This report includes a number of sheets including a sheet per category. The number of sheets may vary if judging has not yet taken place:
Transactions Sheet
The transactions sheet includes the same fields which can be found on the Detailed Nomination report transaction sheet as listed above.
Nominations Sheet
This sheet contains nominations which have been completed and any which are in a refunded status. You can choose to filter to display only completed/paid nominations. This sheet includes all field listed as part of the detailed nomination report nominations sheet as listed above with the additions of:
- Average Judges score per criteria- If a criteria isn't applicable for the category the entry is in the box will be blank.
- Total Judges score- This is the judges scores added together and averaged out to the nearest whole number
- Final Score- This is only applicable in the event you have overridden any judges scores.
- Votes- If public voting is active this column will display the number of votes achieved by each entry
- Shortlisted- This column reflects if the entry has been marked as shortlisted.
- Winner- This column reflects if the entry has been marked as a winner
- Rank- This column reflects what rank to entry is within the category
- Disabled- This column reflects if an entry has been disabled. If so it will not be visible to the judges
- Verified- This column reflects if an entry has been verified. Entries do not have to be verified to be viewed by the judges. However if entries are flagged as verified judging rounds can be filtered based on this property
- Feedback- This column will include all judges feedback
- Columns beginning with "J"- At the very end of the report there will be a column for each judge beginning with the letter "J" followed by their name. This is the judges individual feedback.
Score by Judge
This sheet contains all entries which have been judged. Each judges scoring for each entry is recorded here. This sheet includes:
- Transaction ID
- Code
- Nominator first and last name
- Original category group and category
- Nomination name
- The judges name
- Category group and category
- Score per criteria for the entry, the judges total score and the overall total score for that particular entry as well as final score if relevant.
- Votes- If public voting is active this column will display the number of votes achieved by each entry
- Shortlisted- This column reflects if the entry has been marked as shortlisted.
- Winner- This column reflects if the entry has been marked as a winner
- Winners Class- This is only relevant if winners classes are in use e.g. merit, highly commended
- Rank- This column reflects what rank to entry is within the category
- Disabled- This column reflects if an entry has been disabled. If so it will not be visible to the judges
- Verified- This column reflects if an entry has been verified. Entries do not have to be verified to be viewed by the judges. However if entries are flagged as verified judging rounds can be filtered based on this property
- Feedback- This column will include the specific judges feedback
This sheet includes the average score across all entries in a category for each criteria.
Sheet per category
You will then see a sheet for each category. This will contain all the same information present on the nomination tab but will only include entries in the named category.