Settings: Timezones

Each event must have the timezone set via EVENT > Settings

The timezone will affect how some dates are seen by website users. Some will shift, others are fixed. Calculations across timezones will account for any daylight savings which may be in effect.

Dates which shift:

Product availability dates Event site visitors will view these dates based on the timezone they are currently in.

For example, using the Visitors from the above image:
Lets say the current date is: Wed 4 October 2017

If a Product closes on Monday 6 Nov 2017 at 09:00 for an event in London (GMT).
  • Visitor 1: close date = Monday 6 Nov 2017 04:00:00 (4am)
  • Visitor 2:  close date = Monday 6 Nov 2017 09:00:00 (9am)
  • Visitor 3:  close date = Monday 6 Nov 2017 20:00:00 (8pm)
This logic applies to all date types list to the left.
view this date calculation on

** Countdown Timer - shows the remaining time based on shifted time to even zone but will be the same for all viewers
Exhibitor Task due date
Voucher expiry date
Date based discount
Transaction Date
News Article date
Countdown Timer**

Dates which do not shift:

Event Date Schedule dates and times are fixed in the event timezone.

So, all viewers regardless of their position in the world will see the same event agenda.

In our example, in the schedule, the event start will be listed as:
09:00 Monday 6 November 2017 for all viewers

Agenda Item
Multi-part Schedule