Meta data and SEO for sites and pages
Note: updating Twitter / LinkedIn / Facebook caches
After adding or updating SEO you may need to update the social network caches - this controls what is seen when sharing a page on these networks.
- Meta data is used by search engines, social networks and other sources to read and display information about website pages.
- Well written page titles and descriptions improve SEO and help to better read and rank site listings.
As an example, linking to an event webpage in a post on LinkedIn will extract page meta automatically
At a minimum it is typically:
- Title - Expressive title for the page. This can use Evessio variables to dynamically name the page.
- Description - a short description, generally less than 200 characters about the page
- Image - and image which represents the page or site. This image is typically used when linking to the page.
Evessio supports meat structures for:
- Page Meta - the standard HTML specified meta data
- Open Graph (Facebook)
Global Meta settings are configured via Pages > Meta
- These settings will be applied to all pages unless there are customised settings for a particular page.
- The values are written to the source HTML of the website where they can be read by the providers and search engines.
- Good Meta settings can improve website SEO
Page Meta Settings
- All of the settings available globally are available on a page-by-page basis.
The Pages list view indicates which pages have meta settings and displays the Meta title
After changing the SEO/meta data it is necessary to re-publish your pages. You can do this by clicking the "Re-publish all pages" button in WEBSITE > Pages > Pages.