Judges' scores

Once you have assigned categories to your judges, and your judging has opened, you can monitor the progress of each of your judges.

When your judges have completed their assignments, you can check results, override if needed, and begin identifying your finalists and/or winners.

Each judging round is completely independent so scores from each round will be saved and can be referred back to.

Reviewing submitted judge scores

📺For a video tutorial on how to review submitted scores, click here.

Reviewing scores per judge

To find and track judge progress, go to Awards > Judging, and choose your judging round.

Click on the Judging tab. Here, you will see all judges that have been assigned categories for them to judge.

You will see how much assigned work has been completed per judge, and expanding each judge will let you see progress per category. You will see the judges score in comparison to the overall score as well as have the opportunity to view the feedback.

Image showing path to take to find judge scores

Reviewing Overall Scores

In the Nominations tab, each category will show the percentage completed, and each entry will have an overall score. This score an average of all judges' scores, rounded to the nearest whole number.

The system will also rank and order the entries based on scores, so the entry with the highest score at the top of the category.

Any feedback that judges have submitted can be reviewed by clicking on the 💬 speech bubble beside each entry.

Image showing location of judge scores in nominations tab

Exporting reports with scoring

All scores and feedback can be exported in an excel document.

Inside your Judging Round, select Excel export.

The export will include multiple sheets:

Sheet Name Content
Transactions No judging details; this sheet contains information about the submission
Nominations Form fields, judging, rank and feedback are found here. This sheet also contains results from public voting, and if the submission has been shortlisted or classified as a winner.
Score by Judge This sheet contains a line item outlining results from each judge for each submission
Criteria This sheet gives an average score achieved overall per scoring criteria. It does not give scores for each nomination
Subsequential sheet for each category Each category in the judging round has a sheet on the report containing the information in the Nominations sheet, but for individual categories.

Overriding judge scores

📺For a video tutorial on how to override judge scores, click here.

If necessary, you can override judges scores. The overridden score will always be used in all calculations and rankings. You can override the overall score that a nomination has received, or a score provided by an individual judge.

Overall Score

If more than one judge has judged a nomination, the overall score will be the average of all judges' scores, to the nearest whole number.

To change the overall score, go to the Nominations tab, find the entry you wish to change the score of, and click Edit Result.

In the column labelled Override, type in a new score. Click Save.

GIF showing steps to override overall judges score

Individual Judges Scores

Alternatively you may need to override an individual judge score. In the Judging tab, click on the relevant judge and locate the nomination. Click on the nomination.

The Nomination details window will open. Click on Judging, then Edit.

Then, the judge scores for this nomination will become editable, and you can change the necessary score(s).

When you are finished, click Save.

GIF showing how to override individual judge score