Shortlists and Winners lists

Shortlists and Winners lists are used to publish nominations on the event website.

Each list is created within an individual judging round, and will utilise the nominations from inside this round. You can create as many shortlists in each judging round as you like.

๐Ÿ“บFor a video tutorial on how to create and configure shortlists and winners lists, click here.

Setting up which nominations to include in your list

To determine which nominations will be considered for the shortlist and/or winners list, navigate to Awards > Judging, and select the judging round that the nominations will be used from.

Note ๐Ÿ—’๏ธ

If you have not yet set up a judging round, you can read more about how to do so here.

In the Nominations tab, expand a category and click Edit Result.

Then, select the submissions you wish to list in your shortlist by ticking the box in the Shortlist column.

If you wish to list winners, ensure you tick the box in the Winner column.

When you are happy with your selection, click Save.

Tip ๐Ÿ’ก

If you want to determine different types of winners, you can do so by assigning winner classes.

GIF showing how to indicate nominations that have been shortlisted or listed as winners

Creating and Assigning Winner Classes

Often, you may have different types of winners, such as Gold, Silver and Bronze. Creating different winner classes allows you to have multiple options when assigning the status of winner to an entry.

To create a winner class, open the Winner Classes menu within your judging round, and click +Add Winner Class.

Image showing the title Winner Classes, and the button +Add Winner Class

In the new window, give your winner class a title.

Optionally, you can also add an image, which will display on your winners list instead of the title.

You can also add artwork to accompany this winner class if required.

Once you have created your winner class, click Save.

Image showing how to create a winner class

Once your winner classes have been defined, you can assign these to the winning nominations.

When you click on Edit Result, you will see the Winner column is no longer a tick box option, but now contains a dropdown menu containing all of the winner classes you have created.

Image showing winner classes showing instead of a tickbox in the Edit Result view

Creating your shortlist

After defining what nominations will be included in your list, navigate to the Shortlist tab and click on +New Shortlist.

Image showing location of Shortlist tab, and the button +New Shortlist.

You first need to determine the shortlist type. There are 3 types of shortlist:

Type Content

This type will include all submissions that have been identified as shortlisted in the judging round nomination view.

Using this type, you can also choose to highlight the winners, which means those who have been selected as winners will be flagged as such in this list.

Winners This type will include only submissions that have been identified as winner in the judging round nomination view, either by ticking the winner checkbox, or by selecting one of the pre-created winner classes.

This type will include all submissions that have been identified as being part of a public vote.

For more information on configuring voting, click here.

Image showing different types of shortlists.

Once you have selected which type of list you are creating, you can configure the look and feel of the list.

First, give your shortlist a title, and choose if this title will be visible on your site or not using the checkbox Show title?.

Then, choose the layout of your list, and how it will function.

Finally, you can choose to Enable single nomination view by slug.

Tip ๐Ÿ’ก

A slug is the last part of a URL that explains the pageโ€™s content.

If you decide to enable this, it means that each of your nominations included in the shortlist or winners list will have their submission also displayed on a unique webpage with its own URL. This link can be shared to promote the inclusion of the nomination on the shortlist.

If you do not want this functionality, please ensure you leave this option unchecked.

Configuring the content of your shortlist

To configure the content of your shortlist, find the section titled Categories with shortlisted entries.

Here, you will see listed all of the categories in this judging round, and within these, the number of nominations that have been flagged as shortlisted or winners.

To exclude a category from your list, you can toggle the On/Off selector.

Then, expand the category using the arrow to configure what content will appear on the list.

Image showing categories with shortlisted entries, highlighting number of entries, the on/off toggle button, and the arrow button to expand a category.

Once you have expanded your category, you can select parts of the nomination content to include on the list. To do this, click on +Add fields.

Image showing location of +Add fields button

In a new window, you will see all questions that were included in the category. Use the checkbox to select which fields from the submission will appear for each nomination within this category.

Tip ๐Ÿ’ก

The nomination name will be automatically selected, and section dividers cannot be selected. Images and video fields can be selected and will be displayed in line.

When they have been selected, your chosen fields will appear listed on the right side of the page.

Image showing new window to add fields

You can choose if these fields will be automatically visible, or if a website visitor will need to click on a 'see more' link for this content to be seen. Do this by dragging fields into the Show/Hide section.

When you are finished selecting what will be included, click on Save.

Note ๐Ÿ—’๏ธ

If you have previously moved nominations listed here from other categories, this configuration will need to be done for each original category that makes up this list.

The old category will not be referenced on the shortlist.

Image showing alternate scenario when a second category needs to be configured

There are more tools that can be used to configure further how the information is displayed.

  • Use Images can be activated to manually add an additional image for each entry, separate to any that have been selected as part of the submission.
  • To edit the name of any question, simply click on the text to change it.
  • The fields Description and Other are optional additional fields, to allow you to enter a new field to the category that does not exist in the original submissions. These fields can be renamed and populated with the new information you want to include.
  • Finally, use the arrows to move fields between the Always Visible and Show/Hide sections, depending on what information is to be displayed automatically what should be shown when show more is clicked.

Image showing additional tools to configure displayed information

When you have configured what your list will contain, you will see each submission below, displaying the fields you have chosen and any edits you have made.

Here, you can edit the submission itself, including the name, text and images. If you have chosen to enable nomination view by slug as explained above, this can also be edited.

Additionally, if you chose to use images, you can upload a new image to each submission.

Image showing how to edit information of an individual entry

Once you have completed the configuration of your shortlist, click on Save.

Updating your shortlist

Warning โš 

Refreshing Shortlist Nominations will reset your nomination name back to how it appears in the original category. Any edits made to your nomination names will be lost. All other content remains untouched, even if updated in the original category.

If you find that you need to include additional submissions to your shortlist, you can do so easily by opening the shortlist you want to amend, and click the option Refresh Shortlist Nomination.

You will also need to refresh your submissions if you change the list type (between shortlist, winners list and voting list).

Adding your shortlist to your website

When you are ready to add your shortlist or winners list to your site, go to Website > Pages.

Choose the page you want to add your voting list to, or create a new page.

Your shortlist / winners list is added to a page just like any other content item.

Click on +Add content in the section of the page you want the list to be placed on.

To find your shortlist in the content menu, follow the path:

Content > Common > Awards > [Judging Round Name] > Shortlist, and select the shortlist you have created by ticking the checkbox beside its name.

Image showing path to find shortlist in the content menu