Refunds can be performed in a number of ways and can be full or partial amounts.
The actual refund accounting process will vary according to your organisation's own system but there are 3 broad phases:
Refund request
This could come directly via the user from the "Request refund" in their completed transaction view
It may also come via telephone or email but via some means you receive notification that a full or partial refund is requested by a customer.
If the refund is denied for any reason, no further changes will take place to the transaction but the user will be notified.
If the refund is approved, the transaction can be Modified and saved...
Modify / paperwork
Using the "Modify Transaction" Action - the relevant adjustments can be made (disable item, reduce price, add discount, etc)
When the transaction modification is saved, the paperwork is generated (Credit Note and possibly New Invoice)
The credit note methodology can be set company-wide via Company Settings > Event Defaults > "Credit note behaviour"
You can either create just the credit note for the adjustment or create a credit note for the full amount and issue a new invoice
You also have the option to send the new paperwork immediately to the customer (you can always retrieve and send it later)
Please review the article on Credit notes for further detail how credit notes are generated
The finance department should be notified if they do not already know about the refund so that it can be processed
When the actual money transfer has taken place, the final stage can take place...
Refund has been processed - update transaction status
After funds are processed, the transaction can finally have its status changed from RefundPending or PartialRefundPending to Refunded or Partially refunded respectively.
This process ensures that Evessio can accurately reflect the transaction and payment states of accounting systems used to manage payments